Monday, April 30, 2012

Emerging Technology for Common Core State Standards

Implementing Common Core State Standards in your district can be made easier by utilizing technology tools for testing and reporting. As the trend moves toward tailoring content to individual students, with assessment data providing educators a gauge of where students’ knowledge growth is at any given time, there is an increased need for a comprehensive assessment system.

To support Common Core State Standards implementation effectively and efficiently, a comprehensive assessment system should include a variety of standards-based assessments, each serving different but complimentary purposes. Within a Common Core State Standards comprehensive assessment system, results from a variety of standards-based assessments should be placed on a common scale – making it possible to compare results over time and create a more complete picture of standards mastery.

The next generation comprehensive assessment system within Galileo K-12 Online is capable of providing an array of Common Core State Standards-aligned assessments. These include:
  • Pre-built and district customized interim benchmark assessments: Inform instruction and predict student risk of not meeting standards measured by statewide tests.
  • Formative assessments: Provide information on student learning and the impact of intervention as a part of daily teaching and learning activities. 
  • Standards-aligned pretests and posttests: Measure academic progress over an extended period of time and support state legislative instructional effectiveness initiatives.
  • Screening instruments: Help identify students at risk for learning problems.
  • Placement tests: Inform grade-level placements and advanced course placements. 
  • Multi-Stage Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT): Provide efficient measures of academic proficiency and help support targeted instruction and response to intervention initiatives.
  • Observational assessments: Provide measures of student capabilities as they are demonstrated in the environment in which those capabilities are used.
  • Final course and summative assessments: Provide measures of student mastery of specific course content.
  • Test arrays: Small item sets administered on separate occasions and combined for reporting. Ideal when it is not convenient to administer a long test on a single occasion. 
  • Dialogic assessments: Instruction-embedded online assessments making it possible to use assessment information to rapidly adjust instruction and to track instructional outcomes. 
  • ASK Technology: Allows for automated importation of assessments initially built outside Galileo. Once assessment is imported, ASK offers the capability of aligning to standards, automated scoring (selected-response items), reporting, and data aggregation. 
Experience Galileo K-12 Online during an online overview and see how it provides a better way to address your goal of raising student achievement. To register, visit the Assessment Technology Incorporated website (, call 1.877.442.5453, email, or visit us at the following events:
  • Colorado League of Charter Schools and Assessment Technology Incorporated free seminar, “Galileo K-12 Instructional Improvement System: Supporting Colorado Educational Initiatives with Comprehensive Assessment” May 16 at the Colorado League of Charter Schools, Conference Room, Denver, Colorado. Click here to register.
  • 43rd Annual CASE Conference July 23 through 27 at the Beaver Run Resort, Breckenridge, Colorado. 
  • Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents Annual Executive Institute July 11 and 12 at the Mashpee High School, Mashpee, Massachusetts.

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