Monday, February 20, 2017

New: Intuitive Galileo Test Builder & Coming Soon: TE Item Builder Component

You can now preview and begin using the powerful new Galileo Test Builder interface. The easy-to-use assessment creation tool is an intuitive, point-and-click interface for creating common formative assessments at the school and class level using items including technology enhanced items that articulate directly to selected objectives. Designed for teachers and optimized for desktops, laptops, and tablets, Test Builder offers the following capabilities:

  • Search item banks by standard or item family
  • Refine searches by Depth of Knowledge (DOK) and item type
  • Quickly add, reorder, and/or delete items
  • View a summary of your current test items at the same time as your current search results
  • Easily access online student and teacher previews of your test
  • Once your test is published, access quick links to schedule the test and print if needed for offline student test booklets

TE Item Builder Component: The capability for teachers to create technology-enhanced items within Test Builder is currently under development and scheduled for release in spring 2017.

Quickly add, reorder and/or delete items. Easily access Test Builder tools to create new tests, edit test attributes, and preview tests.

For further information on Test Builder functions and how to generate tests contact your Field Services Coordinator or access the Help files via the Galileo application. 

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