Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Curricular & Re-Teaching Interventions in Your District

Do you have curricular or re-teaching intervention strategies that are currently succeeding in your disrict? Curricular interventions are designed to assess the effectiveness of all or parts of the district curriculum. Re-teaching interventions are designed to increase standards mastery of specific students. If the district has an intervention initiative, what are the ways in which its success is being measured or documented?


Anonymous said...

We do re-teaching outside of the regular instruction block. All schools in the district implement a system where teachers are teamed up, they get support in choosing targeted standards and these standards are put into instructional maps to teach, assess and re-teach.

Anonymous said...

Across the districts, we continue to struggle to identify all of the intervention initiatives that are in place in the schools. Do we have data to prove the program works?

Anonymous said...

We are using RTI to improve targeted instruction and intervention groups that clump students by assessment results.

Anonymous said...

We're utilizing custom benchmarks in math to assess what was taught and help evaluate instruction.

Anonymous said...

Our "getting started vision" includes having teachers know how to use reports.

Anonymous said...

In our district we use the following:
-Galileo benchmarks to review curriculum
-Galileo benchmarks for re-teach and enrich

Anonymous said...

We have found the variety of intervention models within Galileo to be helpful.

Anonymous said...

We've implemented "WIN" time - "What I Need." Also before and after school interventions. So, interventions are in place, but not enough data is in place yet to see their effectiveness.

Anonymous said...

-Weekly grade-level collaboration meetings
-Cycle of inquiry
-I-Station - benchmarks and ongoing assessment
-Accelerated reader – reports

Anonymous said...

At the middle school level, we find at risk students and have an after school program for re-teaching.

Anonymous said...

Some programs have assessments built in. Other programs have pre-post. Others are only tied to formative assessments and generally not monitored and documented for effectiveness.

Anonymous said...

Within our district, we do a 30 minute mandatory intervention session per day, the activities utilized in the classroom include:
-small group tutoring
-whole group re-teaching
-accelerated reading
-accelerated math
-read naturally
-independent reading
-“my reading coach”

Anonymous said...

Our district intervention initiatives include:
-Group intervention
-All instruction is individualized
-Looking at past year’s data
-After school tutoring