Nested within the Aggregate Multi-Test Report and the Benchmark Results Report is one of Galileo’s most powerful tools for intervention: The Benchmark Profile.
The goal of the Benchmark Profile is to provide a detailed plan for moving an individual student or entire risk group to the next level of risk assessment.
There are two versions of the Benchmark Profile:
• Group Benchmark Profile
• Student Benchmark Profile
• Each standard will appear along with the probability that the student has mastered that standard, and their average score on questions covering that standard (Student Benchmark Profile only).
• Every student’s Developmental Level Score (or average for the group) as well as the cut score for each benchmark is displayed at the top of the profile.
• Profiles will continuously update after each assessment to give you a current view of student progress.
• Links to schedule Assignments and Quizzes directly from the report (Group Benchmark Profile only).
The Group Benchmark Profile can be accessed by going through the Benchmark Results Report:
• From the Reports Tab → Test Sets → Benchmark Results
• From the Dashboard → Benchmark Result (Under Recent Events)
From the Benchmark Results page you can simply select which risk category you would like to see a detailed plan for:
The Student Benchmark Profile can be accessed from within the Aggregate-Multi Test Report:
• From the Reports Tab → Multi Test → Aggregate Multi-Test
• Next Select the “View Detail Link”
• Despite the fact that it may not look like it, everything on the next page will be linked. You can select the School/Class or Risk Category to see a list of students contained in your selection.
• By selecting a student you will bring up that individual’s customized benchmark profile.
-Denny Armstrong, Field Services Coordinator
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