Monday, September 11, 2017

New Science Offerings in Massachusetts

ATI has developed sets of science assessments aligned to the new Massachusetts Science and Technology/Engineering (STE) standards for grades 5 through 8. Each set consists of a pretest, three comprehensive assessments, and a posttest. They are all based on the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) blueprints and have been constructed according to the guidelines released by the MA Department of Education (DOE).

If you are interested in high school science assessments, ATI offers sets of science assessments in biology, chemistry, and physics. Review the science and technology/engineering blueprints by grade.  

It is important to note that ATI pretests and the posttests can be used for instructional effectiveness purposes. ATI’s state-of-the-art statistical analyses and actionable Galileo reports provide data from the pretests and posttests to inform professional development. Additionally, the data can be used in support of both enhanced teaching and leadership skills and the elevation of student performance.

The Educational Management Services team will gladly help you get started with the MA Galileo K-12 science assessments. Contact them today

For more information on the 2016 MA STE Standards, the DOE has compiled a list of frequently asked questions which can be found at

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