The Post Student Responses feature is available in Schedule Test, Edit Test Schedule, Bulk Scheduler, and Edit Bulk Schedule. This option is also available when scheduling quizzes and the optional tests for Dialogs.
Open Response Item Options: Student responses come in many forms like essays, drawings, graphs, and more. Now, educators have two student response interface options when creating Open Response items in Item Builder. Select the Text Editor option to provide a text editor in the online testing interface where the student can type their response. Or select None and let students create their response on paper or in another program. With these simple buttons, educators can quickly select their desired options and build the items they need.
Once students have responded, the Test Monitoring Report can be used to score the items including viewing student responses entered online and uploading responses created outside of Galileo if desired. For step-by-step guidance, access free professional development materials from the Galileo application Help Files.
To learn more about Galileo technology, contact one of our knowledgeable Field Services Coordinators.
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