Monday, December 29, 2014

Technology, Content, and Research Supports ATI’s Instructional Effectiveness Initiatives

In support of local educational initiatives and based on both decades of experience in the field of education and on input from our users across the nation, Galileo brings to you a customizable and research-based instructional effectiveness system.

The Galileo instructional effectiveness system incorporates findings from ATI’s ongoing research and offers districts/charters an effective and defensible educator evaluation system aligned to state-adopted standards and measurement frameworks. Galileo’s flexible technology ensures that diverse data elements can be collected, organized, weighted, and meaningfully compiled to generate a valid instructional effectiveness score for each individual educator. Reliable evaluation data from Galileo can be used to inform professional development, enhance teaching and leadership skills, and elevate student performance.

With Galileo, you are able to measure student growth with an array of reliable and valid, standards-aligned pretests and posttests in state- and non-state-tested content areas. The Aggregate Multi-Test Report provides Developmental Level scores for multiple tests presented on a common scale used to monitor progress and estimate mastery.

Learn more about student growth measures, educator rating scales, data-driven guidance for professional development and practice, or how the Galileo score compiler allows for flexibility in combining and weighing data from multiple sources.

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