Meet district and charter school assessment needs with Galileo’s standards-aligned comprehensive assessment system. Galileo assessment solutions include benchmark, formative, screening and placement tests, plus interim and final course examinations, pretests and posttests, early literacy and early math benchmarks, computerized adaptive tests, and instructional effectiveness assessments.
Perhaps the most important benefit of a comprehensive assessment system is that it supports the ability to adapt to continuous change. Assessment needs change continuously and it was important to us to design a system capable of accommodating change. For example, a well-designed system such as Galileo has:
- the ability accommodate continuously changing standards,
- the capability to rapidly align items to those standards,
- dynamic item banks that expand continuously,
- the capability to generate innovative item types that will be required as the transition to online assessment accelerates, and
- the capacity to incorporate new types of assessments to meet changing needs.
A comprehensive assessment system should always be and will always be a work in progress. Nothing less will meet the educational challenges of the 21st century.
For more information on how ATI can support your district or charter with a comprehensive assessment system designed to promote student learning,
contact us today.
Learn more about
Comprehensive Assessment System.