Student growth and improvement is on every educator's mind. A question one might ask is - "how much academic progress has a student made between two points in time?" The Galileo Student Growth and Achievement (SGA) report offers easy-to-use growth and achievement reporting to help track and improve student learning.
Student growth is measured by the difference between the student's Developmental Level score at time one and time two. Time one is represented by an initial assessment, such as a pretest. Time two is represented by a second assessment, such as a benchmark or a post-test.

The information in each quadrant has unique significance because educators can use this to create tailored instruction and intervention groups to help organize and monitor students for differentiated instruction.
What other special features does the SGA report have? First, it's available to class-, school-, and district-level users, meaning that it has different levels of reports for each user level. For example, a district administrator can run SGA reports for their entire district, and even filter reports by student information and demographics. Second, the SGA data is dynamic meaning you can run it on any two benchmark assessments that have parameters. Third, the data will provide a growth categorization; for example, Expected Growth Exceeded, Maintained, or Not Maintained, which helps provide you a frame of reference of how your students are performing.
With it's simple yet powerful display, the Student Growth and Achievement report gives you instant access to critical information necessary for instructional planning and academic success.
Look out for the next Galileo Tours video highlighting the main tools and features of the SGA report.
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