Monday, January 2, 2017

Creating Classroom (Formative) Assessments with Galileo K-12

The formative assessment component of Galileo K-12 plays a critical role in documenting student learning, evaluating curriculum effectiveness, and supporting differentiated instruction. In addition to containing formative assessments for most standards, Galileo includes multiple assessment creation interfaces designed for the classroom teacher. These interfaces make it easy to select items from the Galileo Community Item Bank or from District-created item banks to build multiple formative assessments aligned to the state blueprint and/or reflecting the district curriculum. In addition, the Inspect® item bank developed by Key Data Systems is available through Galileo for use in formative assessments. 

We understand flexibility is important so we’ve made it possible to copy and edit the Items from the Galileo community banks to produce desired modifications for formative assessments. Formative assessments developed using Galileo may be administered both offline or online. Online assessments can be built directly into online Instructional Dialog lessons and assignments making it possible to assess what is learned and guide learning by providing immediate feedback during the learning process.

Search for items by standard using the Galileo Search Item Bank tool.

Users may access formative bank items aligned with a desired standard using the Search Item Bank tool. The Search Item Bank tool allows the user to search the formative item bank based on the selection of a standard, view the resulting items, and easily include the desired questions on a formative assessment. The shot above shows a sample of the display that is produced when a search is completed. 

Learn more about flexible tools for creating formative assessment in Galileo  by contacting our Field Services Coordinators.  

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