Monday, September 26, 2016

Positive Impact of Galileo Use in Blended Learning Described in WestEd Report to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Galileo K-12 Online provides clients with a complete educator-friendly online instructional improvement and effectiveness system. The system includes a broad range of online modules designed to promote student learning via rapid and flexible access to assessment, curriculum, reporting, instructional, intervention, and educator effectiveness tools. Galileo assists users in establishing local goals, assessing goal attainment, forecasting student performance on state assessments, and using assessment information to guide instruction, enrichment, and professional development. In addition, the fully integrated Galileo Digital Curriculum Platform makes it possible to effectively and efficiently coordinate instruction, assessment, communication, and collaboration in ways that promote student learning. 

ATI is proud to share that the positive impact of Galileo use was described  in the recently released report to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation: Blended Learning and Data Use in Three Technology-Infused Charter Schools. The report describes research conducted by WestEd and examines how the use of technology in the blended learning environments of three Arizona charter schools serving populations of challenged middle and high school students impacted teaching and learning activities. All three schools implement Galileo K-12 Online. Read the full report to learn more or schedule a Galileo Overview, today.  Link here to learn about WestEd's key findings.

Click to enlarge.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Galileo Item Banks are Robust, Standards-Aligned, and Frequently Updated

Our Assessment and Instructional Design staff have extensive experience aligning item banks and curricular materials to rapidly changing standards. We are well-positioned to remap items, assessments, and instructional materials to support the adoption of new state standards. This allows educators to find the items they need in Galileo® that will engage students in complex thinking to promote college and career readiness, evaluate standards mastery with high levels of rigor, and prepare students for success in responding to the types of items they will encounter on statewide tests.

Galileo item banks in total are comprised of over 70,000 items (including more than 13,000 technology-enhanced items), and are among the largest secure (district level) and community (class level) item banks in the nation for use in math, reading/English language arts (ELA), science, and writing assessments in grades K-12. ATI content specialists create new items continually (on average about 800 new items per month). 

Unlike systems delivering static item banks validated with a single student sample at a single point in time, Galileo items are developed and psychometrically validated on an ongoing basis. Item types include selected-response (e.g., multiple-choice, true/false, yes/no), constructed-response (e.g., essay with scoring rubric, short answer), and technology-enhanced (e.g., selectable text, multi-part, expanded selected-response, sequencing, interactive, customized technology-enhanced) items as well as performance-based tasks/assessments. All Galileo items and passages/texts are created, aligned to standards, placed under review, and then certified for use according to strict guidelines. Each item is classified in multiple ways (e.g., grade level, standard, Depth of Knowledge [DOK] level). 

Standards-Aligned Item Types in Galileo K-12 Online
Short Answer
Essay (with scoring rubrics)
Extended Selected-Response
Multi-Part Item
Interactive Coordinate Planes
Interactive Linear and Volume Measurement
Interactive Classifying
Interactive Ordering
Interactive Graphing and Charts
Interactive Labeling
Drop-Down Editing
Audio and Video
Performance-Based (with scoring rubrics)

Plus, with our partnership with Key Data Systems (KDS), we are able to offer access to the KDS Inspect® item bank and a suite of over 300 pre-built assessments. The Inspect item bank is comprised of over 33,000 items for ELA (K-12) and math (K-12). In addition, science (4-HS) and history/social studies (5-HS) are also available. 

Schedule an overview to learn more about Galileo’s extensive item banks.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Use the Galileo Assessment Planner to Easily Design Customized Assessments

Galileo includes multiple easy-to-use assessment creation interfaces designed for district, school and class level users. In addition to the multiple types of pre-built assessments comprising Galileo, ATI develops more than 5,000 unique assessments each year reflecting district curriculum, district pacing guides, and/or statewide test blueprints. Customized district-wide assessments are designed for districts/charters by our Educational Management Services and Research staffs in collaboration with district/charter staff. 

Customized assessments are completed with ATI’s innovative online Assessment Planner. The Assessment Planner is an easy-to-use, point-and-click interface that enables district/charter staff to actively participate in the design of district-wide assessments aligned to standards and sequenced according to district/charter curriculum and pacing guides. The Assessment Planner dramatically reduces the time it takes for district/charter staff to create the customized assessments. For example, the Assessment Planner enables staff to easily: 

  • determine the number and timing of assessments; 
  • indicate the specific standards covered in instruction and targeted for inclusion on each assessment, and;
  • indicate the number of items desired for each standard covered on the assessments.

The Galileo Assessment Planner saves educators time while providing the desired flexibility in assessment creation.

Using Assessment Planner, assessments may be designed to include a variety of item types including constructed-response items (e.g., essays). Once completed, assessments can be administered online or offline with plain paper or high speed scanning.  For more information on the Assessment Planner contact your dedicated Field Service Coordinator. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Webinar: Explore New, Streamlined Enhancements in Galileo K-12 and the K-12 Student-Parent Center

We at ATI have made several enhancements to Galileo K-12 Online interfaces which provide benefits to users at all levels. Join us September 14 at 2:00 pm EDT for a complimentary webinar offering a brief overview of the robust features of Galileo focusing on new interfaces including a streamlined menu bar and an easy-to-use Teaching Dashboard. These latest enhancements were designed specifically with teacher use in mind. It is now easier than ever to build and administer curriculum materials and assessments as well as to access data which can inform next instructional steps to promote learning. Additionally, participants will view the redesigned student testing interface through the K-12 Student-Parent Center. The sleek interface is designed to easily communicate information between students and teachers and between teachers and parents. Communications to students and parents can focus on curriculum and instruction including scheduled lessons and assignments, on assessments and assessment results, and on instructional resources for home use. The enhanced K-12 Student-Parent Center Dashboard includes user-friendly icons, responsive design accommodating use on various screen sizes, search capabilities, and the integration of Google Translate.

Register for the complimentary webinar today!

Districts and charters have the option to begin using the new Teaching Dashboard now or later in the year. Learn more about making the switch during the September 14 webinar.